Mar 11, 2025  
2014-2015 Academic Catalog 
2014-2015 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Enrollment Services (Admissions and Records)

The Priority Admission Application deadline is August 1. San Juan College has an open door policy for admission of students who have graduated from an accredited high school, earned a GED certificate, or who through age and experience, qualify for admission as a non-high school graduate. Note: Admission to the College does not ensure admission to a particular course or program of study.

Each student is encouraged to consult with a professional academic advisor at San Juan College in the selection of a program consistent with the student’s interests and abilities. Regular degree-seeking students will be assigned an advisor from the Advising and Counseling Center who will assist the student in successfully transitioning to San Juan College. After the student has completed 24 credits and completed any required developmental coursework successfully, the student will be assigned a faculty advisor in his or her program of interest.

Who is Eligible for Admission

Regular Degree-Seeking Student Admission

  • Graduate from a regionally accredited high school or home school/private program. Home school/private non-accredited students who have graduated may not be eligible for Financial Aid. Completion of the GED is recommended.


  • Earn a GED

Note: All regular degree-seeking students receiving financial aid or veteran’s assistance must apply for regular degree seeking admission.

Note: Students who are issued Certificates of Completion from their high schools do not meet the requirements for Degree Seeking students. Those students must receive a diploma from their high school or complete the GED.

This allows two different pathways to degree admission:

  1. Be at least 16 years of age by the first day of the semester of attendance and have graduated from high school, passing state proficiencies, if required.
  2. Earn the GED. There is also the option of taking the GED which would allow NM students the possibility of qualifying for the NM Lottery Scholarship. Degree-seeking students who have graduated from high school, home school, or a private non-accredited program and are under the age of 16 years of age by the first day of the semester of attendance must do the following:
    1. Submit official transcript indicating graduation date
    2. Complete the Accuplacer (college placement test)
    3. Sign the “Underage Student Release Waiver” and understand the content for students attending San Juan College under the age of 16. The waiver can be obtained from the Enrollment Services Office.

Non-Degree Student Admission

Non-degree admission is intended for the student not seeking a degree or certificate at San Juan College or for students who do not meet the requirements for regular degree-seeking admission. A student who has not graduated from high school or completed a GED program may be admitted as a non-degree student, provided the student is at least 18 years of age on the first day of the term the student is enrolling in and his/her class has graduated from high school. Courses taken as a non-degree student may be transferred to another college, taken for job improvement, or personal enrichment. No college or high school transcripts are required to be admitted as a non-degree student. Unless the student has completed courses at another institution that may be pre-requisites for a course they wish to take at SJC. Non-degree seeking students may register for up to 18 credits per semester. Please note: Admission as a regular degree-seeking student is required to be considered for financial aid or to earn any type of degree.

Non-degree seeking students who wish to enroll in English, mathematics or reading courses at San Juan College are required to take the Accuplacer and satisfy the prerequisite and co requisite course requirements for all courses.

If a student wishes to change from non-degree to regular degree-seeking status, the student must meet the requirements for regular degree-seeking admission and complete a Change of Major form. Non-degree seeking students who did not graduate from high school or complete a GED, must complete 15 non-remedial credits at San Juan College with a minimum GPA of 2.0 and complete a Change of Major form in order to qualify for a change of status to regular degree-seeking. Transfer students that have not graduated high school or completed the GED, must complete 15 college level credits with a 2.0 cumulative GPA (may be a combination of transfer credits and SJC credits) to obtain degree seeking status.*

*Note: These students are not eligible for Financial Aid unless they have received an Associate’s degree or higher.

As of July 1, 2012, students are not eligible for any financial aid unless they are degree-seeking, and have a high school diploma, GED, or eligible home-school acceptance.

High School Student Admission Early Admit
(505) 566-3532
Early admission is for high school juniors or seniors who are currently enrolled in high school at least half time, have established residency within the Four Corners, and who wish to take college classes while they are still in high school. College classes taken under early admission count only for college credits and will not count toward high school credits. Early admit students are admitted as non-degree seeking and therefore are eligible to register for up to 18 credits per semester. Non-degree admission status students ARE NOT eligible for any financial aid.

All requests for early admission must be made directly to the the Enrollment Specialist of the Enrollment Services Office. The requirements for early admission are outlined below:

  • Submission of a completed application for admission
  • Interview with the Enrollment Specialist of Enrollment Services.
  • A completed Early Admission Enrollment Approval Form
  • Demonstrate college readiness for the course in which they intend to enroll by meeting the course pre/corequisites. This may include meeting Accuplacer placement examination test scores if applicable.

Early admit students may take any course with the exception of classes for audit, developmental, or private music instruction courses (APMU). Early admission status is allowed during each term including Spring, Summer, and Fall.

Early Admission - Home Schooled Students

Special provision has been made to allow qualified home schooled students to attend San Juan College as early admit students. Early admission home school students must meet all criteria for regular early admit high school students (see Early Admit above) in addition to being 16 years of age.

Dual Credit
(505) 556-3216
Dual credit is for high school students who wish to earn both high school elective credit and college credit at the same time. The dual credit option is available for New Mexico high school students whose district has a signed Dual Credit Master Agreement with San Juan College. To be considered for dual credit, high school students must:

  • Meet with their high school counselor to determine eligibility and available courses.
  • Submit a SJC admission application
  • Demonstrate college readiness for the course in which they intend to enroll by meeting the course pre/co requisites. This may include meeting Accuplacer placement examination test scores if applicable.
  • Register for approved courses
  • Obtain San Juan College ID
  • Obtain textbooks
  • Requirements:
  • Be enrolled at least part time as a junior or senior in a high school in which the school district has an approved Statewide Dual Credit Master Agreement with San Juan College.
  • Recommended minimum 2.0 high school GPA for the courses ENGL 111 , ENGL 118 , ENGL 211 , and ENGL 218 .


International Student Admission
(505) 566-3545
San Juan College is pleased to have a program authorized to admit F-1 international students for degree seeking status. Below you will find detailed information regarding admission requirements and general notes about SJC’s international student admission policies.

Regular Degree-Seeking On Campus International Student Admission

The following requirements must be met and the proper accompanying documents (translated in English) must be on file with Enrollment Services at least six months prior to the semester of first attendance. Once it is determined that a student meets all the necessary requirements, an I-20 will be issued whereby a student may obtain an F-1 visa.


  Fall Semester - February 15
Spring Semester - August 15
Summer Semester - December 15

General Information for Regular Degree-Seeking On Campus Admission

  • International students are responsible for locating suitable housing. Campus housing is not available.
  • International students should be prepared to provide their own local transportation. Public transportation services are minimal.
  • Students already attending college in the United States must follow the international student admission procedures in addition to working with their current institution to transfer their SEVIS record to SJC. Additionally, transferring students must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale and must not be on academic or disciplinary probation or suspension.
  • In compliance with F-1 visa requirements, San Juan College will only award Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees to Regular Degree- Seeking On Campus international students. F-1 visa students will not be admitted to any Associate of Applied Science programs (this includes any technical/vocational programs)
  • Financial aid is not available to international students. This includes grants, loans, and work-study.
  • International students must enroll in at least 12 credit hours in their program of study each semester and maintain a 2.0 or above cumulative GPA.
  • San Juan College policy does not allow international students to work on campus.
  • Curricular and optional training opportunities are not permitted for international students at SJC. No exceptions to this policy can be made.
  • Credits earned at colleges outside of the United States may be eligible for transfer. To be considered for transfer credit, the credits must be translated and equated by AACRAO International Education Services: and sent directly to San Juan College Enrollment Services. The student is responsible for payment of the required fee and for providing all required documentation.
  • International students pay non-resident tuition, general fees plus a $200 per credit hour international student fee. Please refer to the current Schedule of Classes for tuition and fee rates.

Required Documents

  • A San Juan College application must be submitted. The application must have the prospective student’s name on it exactly as it is stated on their passport.
  • An official copy of TOEFL score results must be sent directly to the Enrollment Services office. A minimum score of 61 (internet based) is required before admission will be granted. Students from the following countries do NOT have to complete the TOEFL test:
  American Samoa
Canada (except Quebec)
Grand Cayman
New Zealand
Turks and Caicos Islands
United Kingdom
U.S. Pacific Trust
  • All international students must have completed a secondary school and been awarded a diploma. Official secondary school transcripts of all coursework, translated to U.S. equivalencies, must be provided. If the student has completed 15 college level credits with a minimum 2.0 GPA the requirement of official high school transcripts is waived. These transcripts must be sent directly to Enrollment Services from the translation and evaluation services from AACRAO International Education Services: Credits earned at colleges outside of the United States may be eligible for transfer. To be considered as transfer credits, the credits must be translated and equated by AACRAO International Education Services and sent directly from the member to San Juan College Enrollment Services. The student is responsible for payment of the required fee and for providing all required documentation to AACRAO International Education Services.
  • A SJC financial statement must be filled out indicating sufficient funds are available for the student’s education and living expenses for the first 12 months. The signed and verified financial statement must show an account balance of no less than $24,000 USD per academic year - Fall/Spring. If courses are taken during the summer semester, an additional $8,000 USD must be added. Note: Financial amount subject to change. Please refer to the Schedule of Classes for the current financial, tuition and fee schedule for the semester of application.
  • Proof of a satisfactory physical examination (within the last six months) by a licensed physician must be provided along with laboratory slips. The physician must use the form provided by San Juan College for this purpose.
  • Proof of current health and accident insurance must be provided. This can be foreign insurance but the student must have coverage while in the US.
  • Once on campus, international students must comply with SJC’s mandatory placement policy and complete the Accuplacer (college placement assessment) with passing scores into college level classes (where required).

After all items have been received, and the student is admitted, an I-20 will be sent to the student in preparation for obtaining an F-1 visa. All new students must arrive in time to attend a New Student Orientation session before classes start.

Online Degree-Seeking International Student Admission

International students living outside the United States may enroll in online coursework toward a degree or certificate as part-time or full-time students as long as the following requirements are met. Note: Although admission to San Juan College may be granted, some entirely online programs have their own admission criteria that must be met in addition to the Office Enrollment Services criteria. Therefore, admission into the online program is not guaranteed. Students are responsible for contacting the online program for admission criteria. Students do NOT need to be in F-1 visa status to qualify for degree seeking status into an entirely online program as long as the student is not living in the United States. The following requirements must be met and the proper accompanying documents (translated in English) must be on file with the Enrollment Services office prior to the first semester of enrollment

  • Apply to San Juan College as a non-U.S. citizen.
  • An official copy of TOEFL score results must be sent directly to the Enrollment Services office. A minimum score of 61 (internet based) is required before admission will be granted. Students from the following countries do NOT have to complete the TOEFL test:
  American Samoa
Canada (except Quebec)
Grand Cayman
New Zealand
Turks and Caicos Islands
United Kingdom
U.S. Pacific Trust

Online International students must meet all academic eligibility requirements as mandated by the SJC academic catalog, including:

  • All international students must have completed a secondary school and been awarded a diploma. Students must provide official transcripts of all high school and college level course work that has been translated and equated to United States equivalencies. These transcripts must be sent directly to Enrollment Services from AACRAO International Education Services: If the student has completed 15 college level credits with a minimum 2.0 GPA the requirement of official high school transcripts is waived.
  • Completion of the Accuplacer (college placement test) to determine course placement. Note: this requirement may be waived if transfer credits from other college courses indicate passing grades in college level math, reading, and English. Credits earned at colleges outside of the United States may be eligible for transfer. To be considered as transfer credits, the credits must be translated and equated by AACRAO International Education Services and sent directly to San Juan College Enrollment Services. The student is responsible for payment of the required fee and for providing all required documentation. Contact information can be obtained at
  • All new students must complete an online New Student Orientation session before registering for class.
  • Students must work with the Advising and Counseling Center online advisor for completion of Accuplacer (if needed), class registration, and completion of online new student orientation.

Online international students pay non-resident tuition and general fees. Please refer to the current Schedule of Classes for current tuition rates. If at any point online international students wish to change to “regular” admission status (attending face to face classes toward a degree), they will need to satisfy all the “regular degree-seeking international student” admission requirements.

Non-Degree Seeking On Campus International Student Admission

International students are welcome to apply to San Juan College as a non-degree seeking student. Non-degree admission is intended for the student not seeking a degree or certificate at San Juan College or for students who do not meet the requirements for either Regular degree seeking on-campus admission or online program admission. A student who has not graduated from high school (or the international equivalent of a United States high school) may be admitted as a non-degree student, provided the student is at least 18 years of age on the first day of the term the student is enrolling in and his/her class has graduated from high school.

Courses taken as a non-degree student may be transferred to another college (check with the college you are transferring to for complete listing of transferrable classes), taken for job improvement, or personal enrichment. International students do NOT need to be in an F-1 status to be non-degree seeking and no college or high school transcripts are required to be admitted as a non-degree seeking student. NOTE: If a student wishes to change their admit status from non-degree seeking to regular degree seeking on-campus admission or online program admission, they must meet all the criteria as stated above for each respective admission type.

Non-degree seeking students who wish to enroll in English, mathematics, or reading courses at San Juan College are required to take the Accuplacer and satisfy the prerequisite and co-requisite course requirements for all courses.

Non-degree seeking international students pay non-resident tuition and general fees. Please refer to the current Schedule of Classes for current tuition rates.

Transfer Student Admission

Any transfer student applying to San Juan College who intends to work toward a degree or certificate from San Juan College should apply for regular degree seeking admission. Note: All transfer students receiving financial aid or veteran’s assistance must apply for regular degree seeking admission. Transfer students are treated as first-time students for satisfactory academic progress. Applicants under disciplinary suspension from another institution will not be considered for admission during the period of suspension. Students who conceal prior attendance at other institutions or who falsify information will be subject to immediate suspension.

It is the responsibility of the student to provide course descriptions from their previous college or universities to aid in proper evaluation of credit. Applicants are required to submit official transcripts from all regionally accredited colleges or universities. If the student attended a non-accredited college or university, transcripts are not required as credits from non-accredited institutions are not accepted; however, high school transcripts are required. Students who attended an international high school or college must have their transcripts translated and equated by AACRAO International Education Services: Facsimile transcripts, or those marked “issued to student” are not acceptable as official transcripts.

An official high school transcript or GED report as well as all official transcripts from regionally accredited colleges and universities must be sent to the Enrollment Services office for consideration. If the transfer student graduated from high school or earned a GED, completed 15 or more non-remedial college credits and has a cumulative 2.0 or better GPA, the high school transcript or GED report is not required for admission, but will be required for Financial Aid.

Transferring Credit by Examination to SJC

Credit by Exam

San Juan College grants up to a total of 30 college credits for credit by examination in the following areas: Advanced Placement (AP), American College Testing (ACT), College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and Course Challenge in approved subjects. The process for awarding credit and required score information is highlighted in the appropriate section on the right.

Advanced Placement Credit

Students who took advanced placement courses in high school and earned a score of three or higher may be eligible for college credit at San Juan College. An official score report must be sent directly to the Enrollment Services office by College Board for consideration. The code for San Juan College is 4732.

When AP credit is awarded, it will appear on the San Juan College transcript as the appropriate course(s) with the designation of “CR” which stands for credit. The credit may be used to satisfy graduation
requirements and in meeting specific curriculum requirements, if appropriate. The maximum number of credits a student can earn through the AP testing programs and other testing programs (CLEP, ACT) is 30 semester hours.

The table provides an outline for AP scores required for credit and the course for which credit is awarded.

Note: Scores and credits awarded are subject to change without notice.

AP Course Required Score Course Equivalency Credits
Art-Drawing 4,5 ARTS 112   3
Art-History 3,4,5 ARTS 110   3
Art-Studio 3,4,5 ARTS 112 , ARTS 113   6
Biology 3,4,5 BIOL 121 , BIOL 122   8
Calculus AB 3,4,5 MATH 170 , MATH 188   7
Calculus BC 3,4,5 MATH 188 , MATH 189   8
Chemistry 3,4,5 CHEM 111 , CHEM 112   8
Computer Science 3, 4 COSC 111   3
  5 COSC 111 , COSC 118   6
Economics - Macro 3,4, 5 ECON 251   3
Economics - Micro 3,4, 5 ECON 252   3
English Language 3, 4 ENGL 111   3
  5 ENGL 111 , ENGL 211   6
English Lit-Comp 3, 4 ENGL 111   3
  5 ENGL 111 , ENGL 211   6
French 3,4, 5 FREN 111 , FREN 112   8
German 3,4, 5 GERM 111 , GERM 112   8
Govt. and U.S. Politics 3,4, 5 POLS 250   3
History-U.S. 3, 4 HIST 211   3
  5 HIST 211 , HIST 212   6
History - European 3, 4 HIST 121   3
  5 HIST 121 , HIST 122   6
Music Theory 3, 4 MUSI 130   3
  5 MUSI 130 , MUSI 131   6
Physics B 3, 4, 5 PHYS 211 , PHYS 212   6
Physics C 3, 4, 5 PHYS 215 , PHYS 216   8
Psychology 3, 4, 5 PSYC 120   3
Spanish 3, 4, 5 SPAN 111 , SPAN 112   8
Statistics 3, 4, 5 MATH 251   4

American College Testing - ACT Credit

San Juan College will grant credit based on ACT for students with exceptional test scores. A maximum of 24 credits can be earned based on ACT scores, with a total of 30 credits allowed for ALL types of credit by exam.

To be considered for ACT credit, a student must have official score results sent from ACT to the Enrollment Services office, listing San Juan College’s code (2637). The scores will be reviewed to determine if credit can be awarded; and if approved, the student will be notified. When ACT credit is awarded, it will appear on the SJC transcript as the appropriate course(s) with the designation of “CR,” which stands for credit. The credit may be used to satisfy graduation requirements. The information above shows the required ACT score in each subject area, and the courses(s) for which credit is awarded.

Note: Scores and credits awarded are subject to change without notice.

Test Area ACT Score Course Equivalency Credit
English 27 ENGL 111  3
    English ELEC (elective) 3
Mathematics 27 MATH 160  3
    Math ELEC (elective) 3
Social Sciences 29 Psyc ELEC, Soci ELEC (elective) 6
Natural Sciences 27 BIOL 121  4

College Level Examination Program

San Juan College participates in the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) administered by the College Board. SJC grants credit to newly admitted and regularly enrolled students who achieve passing scores on the CLEP exam. Students who are transferring should contact the college or university where they are transferring to acquire information regarding the appropriate exam needed. Students should be aware the CLEP examinations are intended for students with clear strengths in an area. Important: There is a six-month waiting period before repeating a test. Official “institution copy” score reports must be sent directly from CLEP to the Enrollment Services office. A list of CLEP exams and equivalent SJC courses is provided in the table.

Note: Test results older than 20 years will not be considered.

CLEP Examination Required Score SJC Course Credit
Financial Accounting 54 ACCT 201  
Algebra, College 59 MATH 160  
American Government 50 POLS 250  
American Literature 50 ENGL 251  or ENGL 252  
Biology 50 BIOL 121  & BIOL Elective (4)
Business Law, Introductory 50 BLAW 230  
Calculus 70 MATH 188  
Chemistry 63 CHEM 110  & CHEM Elective (4)
College Composition 50 ENGL 111  
College Composition 70 ENGL 111  & ENGL 211  
College Composition, Modular (multiple choice only) 50 ENGL 111  
English Literature 50 ENGL 262  
Educational Psychology, Introduction to 65 PSYC 231
French Language 50 FREN 111  & FREN 112  
German Language 50 GERM 111  & GERM 112  
History of the U.S.: Early Colonization to 1877 50 HIST 211  
History of the U.S.: 1865 to Present 50 HIST 212  
Human Growth and Development 50 PSYC 230  
Humanities 50 HUMA 210
Information Systems & Computer Applications 50 COSC 111  
Macroeconomics, Principles of 54 ECON 251  
Management, Principles of 54 BADM 233  
Marketing, Principles of 50 BADM 242  
Mathematics, College 57 MATH 115  & MATH 130  
Microeconomics, Principles of 54 ECON 252  
Psychology, Introductory 50 PSYC 120  
Pre-Calculus 65 MATH 170  & MATH 180  
Social Science and History 50 HIST 121  & SOCI 110  or POLS 110  
Sociology, Introductory 50 SOCI 110  
Spanish Language, Level I 50 SPAN 111  & SPAN 112  
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 50 HIST 121  
Western Civilization II: 1648 to Present 50 HIST 122  

Note: Students with other CLEP tests in writing and English may request a transfer analysis on an individual basis through the Dean of Humanities.

Active Military and Veterans

Active military will receive the following:

  • Application Fee Waived: Currently, there is no application fee for electronic application submission and a $10.00 application fee for paper based application submission. Active military and/or veterans, spouses/dependents will have this fee waived.
  • Guaranteed 2 Physical Education Credits (PHED 116  and PHED 117 ) based on submission of military transcript showing Basic Training requirements and/or showing a minimum of one year of service.
  • Mandatory Placement Assessment (Accuplacer) Waived until end of first semester for degree seeking first time freshmen (or transfer students who have not completed a college level English and/or Math) who are stationed outside the United States. Note: the first semester will be limited to classes that do not require English, reading, or math prerequisites until which time students have completed the assessment. Students will work with an advisor in the Advising and Counseling Center (ACC) to determine schedule of classes for first semester.
  • In-State Tuition:
  1. In accordance with New Mexico State Law Any person, their spouse or dependent child, not otherwise entitled to claim residence, who is a member of the armed forces of the United States or armed forces of a foreign country assigned to active duty in the state of New Mexico, will be assessed in-state tuition rates.
  2. Assignment to active duty within New Mexico must be certified by the military person’s commanding officer upon the student’s initial enrollment. Such students may continue paying resident rates for as long as they attend consecutive semesters at the same institution.

Conditions apply - work with the San Juan College Veteran Center to determine benefit eligibility.

In accordance with SB 136 (2009), in order for a veteran who is not a resident of New Mexico to receive in-state tuition rates, the veteran shall use the veteran’s federal educational benefits at a state public post-secondary institution. Conditions apply - work with the San Juan College Veteran Center to determine benefit eligibility.

Credit by Course Challenge

Any currently enrolled student in regular admission status (not on academic probation/suspension) may challenge by examination a course designated as available for credit by examination if he/she has not already taken the course. The manner of administering the examination and the granting of permission to challenge the course shall be determined by the School in which the course is being challenged. Students are responsible for both the tuition and fees for the course(s) being challenged as well as any additional fees that are not included in the regular tuition charged.

Returning Students

Students who have discontinued their attendance at San Juan College may reinstate their records through the Enrollment Services Office. Contact the Enrollment Services Office to complete this process and update address information and any other changes that have occurred, since the student’s last enrollment.

Rules for the Mandatory Placement (Accuplacer)

San Juan College utilizes mandatory placement to assist students in reaching their fullest potential while at San Juan College, excluding Special Interest classes (numbered 104 or 105). The Accuplacer assessment is a mandatory placement tool used to determine proper placement for all students enrolling in English or math courses, or in any course with an English, math, or reading pre- or co-requisite. Students whose scores indicate placement in developmental courses must complete those courses before enrolling in higher level courses, if required. Transfer students who have successfully completed college level courses in English, reading, and/or math may be exempt from this requirement. A request for exemption must be approved by an advisor or the course instructor. If a student tested in math, English, or reading more than two years ago, without taking courses, they will be required to retest.

Entrance Examination Accuplacer

San Juan College uses the Accuplacer to assess English, reading and mathematics levels of students at admission to the College. The test is mandatory for: any student requesting to take math, reading, or English courses, or requesting courses requiring a math, reading or English pre-requisite.

Students are exempt from taking the Accuplacer if:

They have completed the college level course which meets the placement requirement for the course they wish to take.

San Juan College Accuplacer Cut Scores and Placements
Accuplacer Score Ranges Course to Take
0-29 ENGL 050  
30-69 ENGL 095  
70-84 ENGL 098  or ENGL 099  
85-120 ENGL 111  or ENGL 118  
Accuplacer Score Ranges Course to Take
0-33 College Prep
94-46 RDNG 096  
47-69 RDNG 099  
70-81 RDNG 113  
82-120 No Reading course required
0-25 Arithmetic College Prep
26-35 Arithmetic
0-40 in Algebra
MATH 080  /MATH 095  +LRNS 095 LRNS-095 Math 095 Skills  highly recommended / MATH 113  (4cr)/ MATH 114A  (4cr)
36-120 Arithmetic - 0-40 in Algebra MATH 080  /MATH 095  / MATH 113  (4cr)/ MATH 114A  (4cr)
41-60 Algebra MATH 080  /MATH 096  / MATH 114  (3cr)
61-103 Algebra MATH 080  /MATH 115  /MATH 121  /MATH 130  
104-120 Algebra MATH 160  /MATH 170  /MATH 180  /MATH 251  

New Student Orientation

This program helps students: prepare for academic success, meet other students, assess interests, and register. Sessions are offered both during the day and evening. You will sign up for an orientation once you have met with your academic advisor.

New Student Registration

New student registration is included as part of the new student orientation sessions and is required of all new students (including transfers). Students attending a new student orientation will register as part of the orientation activity. Any new, full-time student who does not take part in an orientation must register after the last orientation is held or during advised registration immediately prior to the start of semester classes.

Transferring from San Juan College to Another State-Supported Institution in New Mexico

During the 2005 New Mexico Legislative session, Senate Bill 161, consistent with requirements of state law (Chapter 224 of the Laws of New Mexico, 1995 as amended) was signed into law to further enhance and facilitate the articulation of general education courses among New Mexico’s colleges and universities. In accordance with policies established by the New Mexico Higher Education Department, designated general education core courses successfully completed at any regionally accredited public institution of higher education in New Mexico are guaranteed to transfer to any New Mexico public institution. Students who have decided on a major and/or an institution at which to complete their studies should consult with an academic advisor at that particular institution to determine the most appropriate course selections. Students enrolling for the first year of study at a New Mexico college or university and considering possible transfer into a certificate and/or degree program at another institution are encouraged to take the courses approved for transfer during their freshman and sophomore year of study.

The core matrix of approved courses guaranteed to transfer and meet general education requirements of any New Mexico college or university can be found on the New Mexico Higher Education Department website at Click on the “Colleges and Universities” link, then “Transferring Credits” for a listing of courses by institution, under each of the five general education areas.

The course prefix and number that appear in parentheses next to many of the institutions’ internal course prefixes and numbers is the New Mexico Common Course Number. This is a four alpha/four numeric set of uniform course designations that serve as a single reference point for courses taught throughout the state that share substantially equivalent content. Courses bearing this designation are part of a statewide equivalence table that cross references the institutional course and number with the universal “common course number” creating an easy one-to-one match.

Students may find the New Mexico Common Course Number listed in crosswalks, degree outlines, transfer guides and in course descriptions in college catalogs and websites. Simply put, the common course number connects equivalent courses at multiple institutions, ensuring students that the course will transfer to the receiving institution and meet degree requirements as if it were taken on that campus.

San Juan College Common Core Course Listing

With the Associated New Mexico Common Course Number (NMCCN) Designation.

For students enrolled at any public institution in New Mexico, the following courses are guaranteed to transfer to any other New Mexico public college or university and apply toward associate and baccalaureate degree program requirements.

Algebra 1113 MATH 080  
American Literature I 2513 ENGL 251  
American Lit II 2523 ENGL 252  
American Nat’l Govt 1123 POLS 250  
Anthropology 1113 ANTH 110  
Anthropology 2113 ANTH 210  
Biology I (non-majors) 1114 BIOL 110  
Biology I 1214 BIOL 121  
Biology II 1224 BIOL 122  
Calculus I 1614 MATH 188  
Calculus II 1624 MATH 189  
Chemistry 1114 CHEM 110  
Chemistry I 1214 CHEM 111  
Chemistry II 1224 CHEM 112  
Communctn 1113 COMM 110 /COMM 111  
Contemp Probs 2113 SOCI 210  
English 1113 ENGL 111  
English 1123 ENGL 211  
English 1213 ENGL 218  
Ethics 2113 PHIL 115  
Geology 1214 GEOG 111  
Intro to Art 1013 ARTS 110  
Intro to Music 1013 MUSI 110  
Intro to Theater 1013 THEA 110  
Macroeconomics 2113 ECON 251  
Microeconomics 2123 ECON 252  
Marriage & Family 2213 SOCI 215  
Math 1213 MATH 130  
Music Appreciation 1113 MUSI 112  
Music Fundls 1213 MUSI 114  
Music History 1313 MUSI 111  
Native American Lit 2733 ENGL 245  
Navajo Elementary I NAVA 111  
Navajo Elementary II NAVA 112  
New Mexico/SW 2313 ANTH 255  
NM History 2113 HIST 260  
Philosophy 1113 PHIL 110  
Physics I 1114 PHYS 211  
Physics II 1124 PHYS 212  
Physics I 1214 PHYS 215  
Physics 1224 PHYS 216  
Physical Geol 1114 GEOL 110  
Political Science 1113 POLS 110  
Psychology 1113 PSYC 120  
Sociology 1113 SOCI 110  
Southwest Lit 2713 ENGL 230  
Spanish Elementary I 1114 SPAN 111  
Spanish Elementary II 1124 SPAN 112  
Theory or Aesthetics of the Arts, or Literature HUMA 210/211
U.S. History I 1113 HIST 211  
World Civilization I 1053 HIST 121  
World Civilization 1063 HIST 122  
World Literature I 2613 ENGL 261