Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

College Policies


Academic policies and procedures are not catalog-specific.  They are determined by the San Juan College faculty and administration.  The College reserves the right to change academic policies and procedures as needed.  Students will be notified via their official San Juan College email account if and when changes are implemented.

Academic Honesty

San Juan College’s mission is to “educate and empower individuals to thrive in an ever-changing world.” Assessments (homework, assignments, papers, projects, labs, exams, etc.) are used to measure how well each student is meeting program and course learning outcomes.  Academic honesty is essential to this assessment process. The process of determining the consequences of academic dishonesty begins with the instructor, and may proceed to include the Dean of Students. A complete copy of the policy is available at

Academic Renewal

The academic renewal option allows continuing students who have attempted a minimum of 30 credits with a low grade-point average (less than 2.0 cumulative) to get a fresh start. This option may be used only once and is not reversible.

Academic Renewal removes D and F grades from the GPA calculation, but the courses are still listed on the transcript.

Students who are eligible to apply for academic renewal should have:

  1. A minimum of 30 attempted credit hours
  2. A GPA of less than 2.0.
  3. No degrees or certificates recorded on the transcript
  4. Have not been in attendance for 2 years, OR
    • The last 12 credits were earned with a C grade or higher

All attempted coursework and grades will remain on the student’s official transcript.  All courses affected by Academic Renewal will be excluded from the GPA calculation and may not be used to meet program and/or residency requirements for future graduation.  A statement will be placed on the student’s transcript indicating that Academic Renewal status was granted.

Academic Renewal does not affect any previous academic, financial or administrative determination made by San Juan College.  Other institutions/agencies may or may not choose to honor this policy in evaluating a student’s transcript.

Forms for Academic Renewal are available at the Registration & Records Office or you may call 505-566-4203.

Extenuating circumstances will be considered with appropriate documentation.

Appeal of Academic Renewal

Students who wish to appeal an Academic Renewal/Forgiveness decision may do so by submitting a written request to the Office of the Vice President for Learning within 10 business days.

An Academic Forgiveness Appeal Committee will be appointed by the VP for Learning or designee and will consist of three (3) faculty members, one professional staff member from Student Services and a student. One of the faculty appointments will serve as the Chair.  The committee will review the student’s application and the Registrar’s decision.  There will be a minimum of 48 hours to process the appeal but no more than 5 business days.  The decision of the committee will become official on majority and is not subject to further appeal.

Academic Standing Levels

Effective with the Fall 2023 semester, the following protocols have been implemented.

Students are notified at the end of each semester via their San Juan College email account if their standing falls below Good Academic Standing.

Good Academic Standing:

  • When a student’s term and cumulative grade point averages are at or above a 2.00

Academic Warning:

  • With the exception of students with no academic history at San Juan College, when a student’s term grade point average (GPA) falls below a 2.00 at the end of any term
  • First semester students who have a cumulative and term GPA below 2.00 in their first semester will be placed on academic warning.
  • Students placed on academic warning are encouraged to meet with a Success Coach early in the following semester to discuss and plan success strategies.
  • Academic Warning status remains on the student’s record until either the student’s term grade point average is at or above a 2.00 or the student is placed on academic probation.

Academic Probation:

  • Student’s cumulative grade point average is below a 2.00 after the second term of enrollment, or after the first term of reinstatement or readmittance
  • Students on academic probation are encouraged to meet with their Academic Advisor and a Success Coach early in the following semester to discuss their academic progress and to implement success strategies.
  • Students on academic probation are not allowed to register for more than 13 credit hours during the probationary term.
  • Academic Probation status remains on the student’s record until either the student’s cumulative grade point average is at or above a 2.00 or the student is placed on academic suspension.

Academic Suspension:

  • At the end of any term in which the student is on academic probation AND both the term and cumulative grade point average falls below a 2.00
  • A suspension status hold is placed on the student’s record and the student is not allowed to register for one full-length term (fall or spring) while they serve the suspension timeframe.
  • Students placed on academic suspension can submit an appeal to the Academic Review Committee if they have experienced unforeseen, burdensome, or extenuating circumstances that contributed to their low academic performance.
  • Academic suspension status remains on the student’s record until either the student’s cumulative grade point average is at or above a 2.00 or the student is approved for academic reinstatement.

Academic Dismissal:

  • At the end of any term in which the student is on academic suspension and the term GPA is less than 2.00
  • Students on academic dismissal cannot enroll at San Juan College for one full academic year.
  • Students placed on academic dismissal can submit an appeal to the Academic Review Committee if they have experienced unforeseen, burdensome, or extenuating circumstances that contributed to their low academic performance.
  • Academic dismissal status remains on the student’s record until the student serves the academic dismissal time and is readmitted. Students who wish to reenroll after serving their year dismissal will need to reapply for admission to San Juan College.
  • Students who fail to achieve a 2.00 term GPA their first term after being readmitted or serving their dismissal term will be dismissed for a period of three years.

Appeal Process:

  • Students are not eligible to appeal their academic standing. Students are eligible to appeal the conditions of their standing.
  • Students who want to appeal the conditions of their academic warning or academic probation status need to meet with a Success Coach to do so.
  • Students who want to appeal the conditions of their academic suspension or academic dismissal status must submit their appeal in writing by completing the Academic Appeal Request form and submitting it to the Academic Review Committee by 5PM three (3) business days following the notification of change in academic status.
  • The decision of the Academic Review Committee is final.
  • Students may only submit one appeal per semester.
  • Reasons for appeal are based on:
    • Due Process Violation
    • Extenuating Circumstances unavailable at the time of the decision

Academic Reinstatement from Academic Suspension:

  • Students are required to meet with their Academic Advisor and a Success Coach before registering for classes.
  • Students cannot register for more than 13 credit hours during the reinstatement term.
  • Academic status remains on the student’s record until either the student’s cumulative grade point average is at or above a 2.00 or the student is placed on academic dismissal.
  • Students placed on academic suspension and granted reinstatement by the Academic Review Committee must meet with a Success Coach every other week during the first term after being reinstated (term of reinstatement).

Academic Readmit from Academic Dismissal:

  • Students, whose academic standing was in dismissal status, who have served their academic dismissal and who have chosen to return to San Juan College
  • Students who have served academic dismissal must apply for readmission and meet with their Academic Advisor and a Success Coach upon returning to San Juan College.
  • Students cannot register for more than 13 credit hours during the readmittance term.
  • Academic status remains on the student’s record until either the student’s cumulative grade point average is at or above a 2.00 or the student is placed on academic dismissal again.
  • Students who have been readmitted after academic dismissal must meet with a Success Coach every other week during the first term after being readmitted (term of readmittance).

Academic Review Committee (ARC):

The Academic Review Committee will consist of three members: Success Coach, Professional Academic Advisor, and an Academic Dean. The Associate Vice President for Learning and the Registrar consult on cases as needed.

Accessibility and Accommodations

Health and Safety: There may be health and safety conditions which require notification to school officials, and specifically, any conditions that may affect the health and safety of the student or of others.  These conditions, although they may be reflective of disabilities, may be disclosed to school officials with legitimate educational interests.

A student with a disability may request in writing that his/her disability not be disclosed to other school officials. If you believe you need academic accommodations due to physical or other disabilities, you are encouraged to contact Accessibility Services as soon as possible. The coordinator can work with you to determine eligibility and appropriate accommodations strategies. Please go to your MySJC portal page, click on Accessibility Services, and complete all the steps. You can also contact the college’s accessibility coordinator at (505) 566-3271 or More information is available on the website listed above.

Records for a student that are made or maintained by a psychotherapist for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment of the student are available to the person providing the diagnosis or treatment and to others as authorized by the student, or by court order. For purposes of this policy, a psychotherapist is:

  1. A person authorized to practice medicine, engaged in the diagnosis or treatment of a mental or emotional condition and;
  2. A person licensed or certified as a psychologist and similarly engaged.

Counseling records are subject to disclosure to school officials with a legitimate education interest.


Attendance and participation are important components of college course completion and success.  Students should refer to their course syllabus to review the instructors’ attendance and participation expectations in addition to the campus policies listed below. Faculty have the right to ask students to drop a class at a point in the semester by which the student would automatically earn an ‘F’ grade for missed classes.  Mitigating circumstances may be the basis for faculty to allow continued attendance.  Documentation may be required and students will be required to make up any missed assignments.

Class Participation Expectation:

Face-to-Face - Students are expected to attend and participate in class regularly.  Any student missing more than 10% of consecutive class time (For example, in a regular 15-week class that meets twice a week, this equates to the student missing 3 consecutive classes), without consultation with the instructor, may be considered as having abandoned the course.

Online - Students are expected to participate regularly and submit all course assignments, based on course guide definition.  A student who does not submit any assignments during a consecutive 10% of the course (1.5 weeks of a 15-week semester) without consulting the instructor, may be considered as having abandoned the course.  Logging in does not meet the attendance standard.

Competency Based Education Classes - Students are expected to have regular and substantive interactions with their instructor and to actively work on course content.  A student who has not submitted coursework, nor had substantive interactions with the instructor over a consecutive 10% of the term, without the instructor’s prior approval, will be considered to have abandoned the competency progression.  Last date of attendance will be recorded as the last date that coursework was submitted or that the student met with the instructor.  For online learners, logging in does not meet the attendance standard.

Failure to Meet Class Participation Expectation:

Students who fail to meet participation expectations will have their last date of attendance recorded.  This date will be used to recalculate any financial aid received/veteran’s benefits received, and the student may be required to repay the institution/government.  If the student does not drop the course, an ‘X’ grade will be recorded.  An ‘X’ grade impacts the grade point average the same as an ‘F’.  It is the students’ responsibility to review the syllabus for attendance requirements.

Only enrolled students, for credit, non-credit, or audit, are permitted to attend classes.  Students who have dropped the course are not eligible to attend.  Students’ children are also not allowed to attend.

Choice of Catalog

The application for a degree or certificate requires a student to specify the catalog year listing degree or certificate requirements.  A student may select the catalog of first admission to San Juan College in a regular admission status or any subsequent catalog, provided the selected catalog is not more than four years old when degree or certificate requirements are completed, and provided the student has been in continuous enrollment (not out of school for two consecutive semesters, fall or spring).  Courses showing AU, W, X, or F for final grade will not count as a semester attended for catalog choice calculation.  Students switching from non-degree seeking to degree seeking will be moved to the current catalog.  If the student does not indicate a catalog on the degree/certificate application, the current catalog will be used to determine eligibility. In special cases, individual requests for waiver consideration of the catalog rule can be made to the registrar.

The Registration & Records Office will automatically update student records when the catalog of record is expired, or when a student is becoming degree seeking.

The student MUST meet the requirements in one specific edition of the SJC catalog to earn a certificate or degree.

Academic Catalog Graduate By (with continuous enrollment)
2020-2021 May 2024
2021-2022 May 2025
2022-2023 May 2026
2023-2024 May 2027


Class Level

1-30 credits Freshman
31 credits-and above Sophomore

Common Core Listing

San Juan College Common Core Course Listing
With the Associated New Mexico Common Course Number (NMCCN) Designation.

For students enrolled at any public institution in New Mexico, courses are guaranteed to transfer to any other New Mexico public college or university and apply toward associate and baccalaureate degree program requirements if they have the same subject and course number.  

Complaint Process - On-Campus Students

The following guidelines have been established to provide students at San Juan College with a process for resolving concerns related to the academic environment and/or support services.  When a concern arises regarding Title IX protections, including sexual harassment, racial or sex discrimination, or those arising under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the issues should be referred to the Title IX Coordinator in the Office of Human Resources.  All others will be handled in the following manner:

  1. The student will meet with the faculty or staff member involved to attempt to resolve the concern.
  2. If a satisfactory resolution has not been reached, the student has the option to consult with the appropriate supervisor, dean or director.
  3. If the issue has not been satisfactorily resolved with the supervisor, dean or director, the student has the option to meet with the next appropriate supervisor for final resolution. Academic matters should be addressed with the Vice President for Learning and student services matters should be addressed with the Vice President of Student Services.

See catalog for formal grade appeal procedures and see the student handbook for disciplinary appeal guidelines.

Complaint Process for Out-of-State (Distance Learning) Students

San Juan College desires to resolve student grievances, complaints and concerns in an expeditious, fair and amicable manner.  Students residing outside of the State of New Mexico while attending San Juan College who desire to resolve a grievance should follow the College’s established appeals procedures outlined in the Academic Catalog.  However, if an issue cannot be resolved internally, you may file a complaint with your State.  The New Mexico Higher Education Department ( has instructions for filing a student complaint about an institution registered in New Mexico.  San Juan College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, and for complaints, individuals may visit:

Please see the Student Handbook ( for further guidelines regarding complaints.

Credit for Prior Learning

Purpose of Credit for Prior Learning

San Juan College (SJC) recognizes that college-level learning occurs outside the academic arena. To recognize students’ achievement outside of formal higher education, SJC has instituted the following policies and procedures. These policies and procedures ensure that SJC is responsive to lifelong learners and that credits awarded maintain academic integrity.  The term “credit for prior learning” (CPL) refers to all of the processes SJC uses to assess evidence of learning and to award academic credit in accordance with the College’s academic and administrative standards. CPL is awarded for demonstrated mastery of the knowledge, skills, and competencies that students have obtained and that are consistent with college-level learning outcomes.  

Student Policies and Procedures


Only students who are  currently enrolled in a SJC certificate or degree program may apply for and receive CPL.

CPL Award

  1. The student’s prior learning must meet the learning outcomes in existing SJC program courses.
  2. A student will receive CPL credit only for courses that meet program requirements in the student’s declared certificate or degree as specified in college publications. Such award must be consistent with other SJC institutional policies.
  3. Students may earn up to 75% of their required program credits through any combination of CPL methods. For example, for the typical Associates’ Degree requiring 60 credits, the student could earn up to 45 credits through CPL. For certificates which are typically 30 credits, the student could earn up to 22.5 credits. Students can speak with a school advisor to discuss requirements for a specific program.
  4. The remaining 25% of credits earned must meet the minimum academic residency requirement for any certificate or degree sought. Residency requirements are the minimum number of credits that a student must earn from SJC to graduate.  This minimum is defined as 15 credits in associates’ degrees and 25% of the total program credits in certificates. CPL credits are considered transfer credits and do not count toward academic residency requirements.

Financial Aid

Financial aid does not cover the fees associated with CPL assessment. It is important that students note that Veteran’s benefits and other forms of financial aid may be affected by credits awarded through CPL. These credits count toward students’ total earned credits and the 150% rule. Prior to requesting any CPL credit through any of the assessment methods, students should determine how these credits may affect them by consulting with a financial aid advisor.

Assessment Methods

Assessment of prior learning may be completed through the following methods:

1. Military Training:
The American Council on Education (ACE) Military Guide serves as the basis for assessing military training and occupations for CPL credit. Credit is assessed on a case-by-case basis for military training that has not been evaluated by ACE. This assessment is done by the academic school that offers the course.

2. Standardized Exams:
Credit will be awarded for passing scores on some national for-credit examination programs such as the College Board College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST) exams. Passing scores are listed in the SJC College Catalog under Credit for Prior Learning.

3. Challenge Exams:
Challenge exams are not offered for courses in which there is an approved standardized exam. Some institutionally-prepared exams have been developed for specific SJC courses. These exams are listed in the San Juan College Catalog at Credit for Prior Learning - Credit by Course Challenge.

If there is no challenge exam listed, the student may contact the Dean of the School to inquire about an alternative assessment. The Dean has the option to offer such an assessment.

4. Certifications and Licensures:
The School may approve the award of credit for current industry-recognized credentials. These credentials must be validated through the issuing agency or organization.

5. Portfolio Assessment:
A portfolio consists of documentation demonstrating mastery of the learning objectives for a particular SJC course. The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) standards will be used to assess individual portfolios. A portfolio will not be used to assess CPL if an approved standardized or challenge exam exists.

A student may learn more about applying for CPL by contacting an Advisor in the Advising and Counseling Office.

Application of CPL Award

  1. SJC will award credit for prior learning only for courses which are active in the SJC catalog under which the student will graduate.
  2. SJC will assign the appropriate SJC course title(s) and number(s) to the credit(s) awarded. Neutral grades of CR (credit), not traditional letter grades, will be used for all CPL-awarded credit. CPL courses will not affect a student’s GPA.
  3. CPL credits will be applied to the student’s certificate or degree requirements in the same manner as other credits transferred to SJC.


CPL is awarded to satisfy SJC graduation requirements and may not transfer to other colleges. To determine if another institution will accept CPL credits awarded by SJC, students should contact the institution to which they intend to transfer.

Credit at SJC for CPL awarded at another institution will be made on a case-by-case basis. Students should contact the SJC School to which they wish to transfer CPL credit.


Fees charged for any method of CPL must be paid in full prior to the student’s submission of the CPL application. CPL fees will be reviewed and approved annually by the College President.

  1. Licensures, certifications, apprenticeships, military credit, SJC workforce training, and articulation agreements: There is no fee for evaluating or granting credit for state, national, or industry/professional licensures and certifications; apprenticeships; military credit; training through the SJC Center for Workforce Development; and articulation agreements. 
  2. Exams: Students can visit the San Juan College Testing Center website to verify fees associated with standardized exams. Fees for SJC-prepared exams are posted in the SJC Academic Catalog. Fees for challenge exams are $30 per credit.
  3. Portfolio Assessment: A non-refundable assessment fee is required in order to submit a portfolio for formal assessment. Students can visit the SJC catalog to verify the Portfolio Assessment fee.

CPL Appeals

In order to appeal a CPL decision, students must complete the Credit for Prior Learning Appeal Form, include any supporting documentation for the appeal, and submit the packet to the Dean of the appropriate School within 10 work days from the original denial of credit.

Credit by Exam

San Juan College may grant up to a total of 30 college credits for credit by examination in the following areas: Advanced Placement (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and Course Challenge in approved subjects. The process for awarding credit and required score information is highlighted in the appropriate sections below.

When credit is awarded, it will appear on the San Juan College transcript as the appropriate course(s) with the designation of “CR” which stands for credit. The credit may be used to satisfy graduation requirements and in meeting specific curriculum requirements, if appropriate.

Advanced Placement Credit

Students who took advanced placement courses in high school and earned a score of three or higher may be eligible for college credit at San Juan College. An official score report must be sent directly to Registration & Records Services by College Board for consideration. The code for San Juan College is 4732.

The maximum number of credits a student can earn through the AP testing programs and other testing programs (CLEP, DSST) is 30 semester hours.

The table provides an outline for AP scores required for credit and the course for which credit is awarded.

Note: Scores and credits awarded are subject to change without notice.

Advanced Placement Credit Table  

College Level Examination Program

San Juan College participates in the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) administered by the College Board. SJC grants credit to newly admitted and regularly enrolled students who achieve passing scores on the CLEP exam. Students who are transferring should contact the college or university where they are transferring to acquire information regarding the appropriate exam needed. Students should be aware the CLEP examinations are intended for students with clear strengths in an area. Important: There is a six-month waiting period before repeating a test. Official “institution copy” score reports must be sent directly from CLEP to Registration & Records Services. A list of CLEP exams and equivalent SJC courses is provided in the table.

Note: Test results older than 20 years will not be considered.

CLEP Credit Table  

Note: Students with other CLEP tests in writing and English may request a transfer analysis on an individual basis through the Dean of Humanities.

Credit by Course Challenge

Any currently enrolled student in regular admission status (not on academic probation/suspension) may challenge by examination a course designated as available for credit by examination if he/she has not already taken the course. The manner of administering the examination and the granting of permission to challenge the course shall be determined by the School in which the course is being challenged. Students are responsible for assigned fees of $30 per credit, and the course(s) being challenged. Courses eligible for challenge are listed in the table.

Credit by Course Challenge Table  

DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)

San Juan College grants credit to newly admitted and regularly enrolled students who achieve passing scores on the DSST exams listed below, as approved by the appropriate SJC academic departments.  Students should be aware the DSST examinations are intended for students with clear strengths in an area. Important: There is a three-month waiting period before repeating a test. Official “institution copy” score reports must be sent directly from DSST to Registration & Records Services.


DSST Examination


SJC Course Credit

Credits Granted









Business Mathematics




Ethics In America




Fundamentals of College Algebra




Introduction to Business




Introduction to Computing




Math for Liberal Arts




Principles of Statistics








Technical Writing























International Baccalaureate (IB)

Students who have previously completed International Baccalaureate exams may receive advanced credit for scores in Higher level and

Standard level exams.  Use the table below to find the credit awarded by SJC for your exam score.

IB-Higher Level Examinations



SJC Course Credit

Credits Granted



BIOL-2110 BIOL-2610   




CHEM-1215 CHEM-1225   




ENGL-1110 ENGL-1120   




HIST-1150 HIST-1160   








PHYS-1230 PHYS-1230L  

PHYS-1240 PHYS-1240L   




MATH-1510 MATH-1520   



4-7 PSYC-1110   3

IB-Standard Level Examinations



SJC Course Equivalent

SJC Credit











PHYS-1230 , PHYS-1230L   


Math Studies






MATH-1240 , MATH-1230   


Math Methods





Credit for Licensure and Certificates

The following licenses and/or certifications are currently accepted as Credit for Prior Learning at San Juan College.  Academic credit is awarded to students with current licenses/certificates who are working toward a degree within the same field to which they currently hold a license/certificate.  Simply obtain the appropriate Credit for Prior Learning Form from the appropriate Dean.  Include a copy of your license or certification with the completed form back to the Dean.

Dean of Business

  • Adobe Certified Associate Graphic Design & Illustration Using Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Certified Associate Print & Digital Media Publication Using Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Certified Associate or Professional Web Authoring Using Adobe Dreamweaver
  • Adobe Certified Associate Video Communication Using Adobe Premiere
  • Adobe Certified Associate Visual Communication Using Adobe Photoshop
  • Autodesk 3ds Max or Maya Certifications
  • CPA - C++ Certified Associate Programmer
  • CPP - C++ Certified Professional Programmer
  • CompTIA A+
  • CompTIA IT Fundamentals
  • CompTIA Linux+
  • CompTIA Network+
  • Microsoft MCP: Installing and Configuring Windows Server
  • Microsoft MCP: Administering Windows Server
  • Microsoft MCP: Configuring Advanced Windows Server Services
  • Microsoft MTA Database Certification
  • MOS: Microsoft Office Access
  • MOS: Microsoft Office Excel Core
  • MOS: Microsoft Office Word 2016 Core, Expert, or Master
  • Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE Programmer

Dean of Trades and Technology

  • Cosmetology
  • Fire Science
  • Police Science

Dean of Health Sciences

  • Emergency Medical Services

Credit for Portfolio Assessment

Portfolios consist of documentation submitted for credit and which demonstrates mastery of the learning objectives for a particular SJC course. Individual portfolios will be assessed using Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) standards. If an approved standardized or challenge exam exists, portfolios will not be used to assess CPL. Students can find out how to get started by contacting an Advisor in the Advising and Counseling Office or visiting the SJC CPL website. 

Portfolio Assessment - Approved Courses  

Credit Hour Load

The normal load for a full-time college student who plans to graduate in two years is 15-17 credit hours per semester.  An overload is more than 18 credit hours per semester. A one-credit course in physical education may be taken without being included in the calculation for determining overload.

The normal load in summer school is the same number of credits as there are weeks in the session, plus one credit hour (full financial aid requires enrollment in 12 credits.)  The federal government has defined full-time enrollment as 12 or more semester credits.

Students must obtain written permission from the appropriate school dean to register for an overload.  Appropriate school dean is based on the student’s major.

A full-time student must enroll in and complete a minimum of 12 semester hours to maintain full-time status.

Credit Hour Policy

San Juan College uses the federal definition of the credit hour.  That definition which states that a credit hour is comprised of “one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester hour of credit” or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time.  One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction is equivalent to a clock hour of 50 minutes.  For each hour (50 minutes) of class work, students are expected to complete two hours (100 minutes) of outside class work for the course.  Direct instruction or guided interaction is the amount of time a student is expected to be engaged in direct or guided interaction with an instructor.  Examples Include , but are not limited to, in person or online lectures, seminars, discussions, art and design studios, supervised group work, and examinations.  Examples of out-of-class student work are homework, reading, assignments, working on projects, and similar activities. This time expectation, of approximately 3 hours of learning per credit, applies to all formats of courses that lead to academic credits, including labs, studios, independent study, and practicums.  Online and hybrid classes meet the requirements by utilizing the same course outcomes and equivalent assignments as face-to-face classes.  When classes differ from the standard models based on the federal definition, which include the face-to-face, online and hybrid models, the faculty member is asked to provide a statement in the course guide that specifies the amount of time, based on the above definition, students are expected to devote to the course.

Degree/Certificate Programs

To meet the broad range of student objectives, San Juan College offers several types of instructional programs and study alternatives.  San Juan College’s two-year Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree and one-year certificate career programs prepare students for immediate employment in a wide variety of professional fields.  The Associate of Arts (A.A.) and the Associate of Science (A.S.) transfer programs are available for students who wish to earn a two-year degree or to complete the first two years toward a baccalaureate degree at San Juan College and then transfer to a four-year college or university for study in a specific major.

Ability to Benefit - Students in short term certificate programs, that do not have a high school diploma, may have the high school transcript waived and obtain the certificate.

Drop for Non-Attendance (Never Attended)

Students will be dropped from classes based on faculty reporting non-attendance.  Financial Aid will not be awarded for classes that are dropped for non-attendance.   Being dropped and losing Financial Aid does not negate the student’s financial obligation to pay for these classes.  The student will be required to pay any tuition penalty owed based on the institutions fee schedule. 

Online students who do not provide evidence of participation (submission of at least one academic assignment) during the first two weeks in a 16-week course will have their financial aid cancelled and will be dropped from their class(es).  For shorter classes, this time frame may be as short as two days.  

Enrollment Status

The determination of full-time or part-time enrollment status is based on the student’s enrollment throughout the term as courses are added or dropped.  Dropping courses will have a negative impact on the financial aid funding while adding courses could increase the amount of financial aid funding.  Disbursement of funds takes place once late start classes begin.  Be sure to consult with the Financial Aid Office when considering dropping courses.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

It is the policy of San Juan College to protect the confidentiality of certain student records and not to make those records available to third parties without the written consent of the student.  There are certain exceptions to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) concerning disclosure of records within the educational institution.  For purposes of this policy, educational records include any record (in handwriting, print, tapes, film, microfilm or microfiche or other medium) maintained by San Juan College or an agent of the College which is directly related to the student, except:

  • A personal record kept by a staff member if it is kept in the sole possession of the maker.
  • Records created or maintained by the San Juan College Department of Public Safety for law enforcement purposes.
  • An employment record of an individual whose employment is not contingent on the fact that he/she is a student.
  • Records made or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional or para-professional if the records are used only for treatment of a student.
  • Alumni records which contain information about a student after he/she is no longer in attendance at San Juan College and which do not relate to the person as a student.

Directory Information

San Juan College may disclose information on a student without violating FERPA if the information is designated as “directory information”.  Directory information at San Juan College includes:

Student’s Name
Most Recent Educational Institution Attended
Program of Study
Dates of Attendance
Degree Information (includes degree, date conferred, honors and awards received) - note, this does not include financial awards/scholarships
Enrollment Status
Participation in Recognized College Activities
SJC Student Email

Students may, if they desire, request that directory information not be released.  Such a request must be a signed written document, submitted to the Registration & Records Office by the official census day for the term.

Procedure to Inspect Education Records

Students may inspect and review their education records upon request to the appropriate record custodian.  Students should submit to the record custodian or an appropriate San Juan College staff person a written request which will identify specific record or records they wish to inspect.

The record custodian or an appropriate San Juan College staff person will make the needed arrangements for access as promptly as possible and notify the student of the time and place where the record(s) may be inspected.  Access will be given within forty-five (45) days from the receipt of the written request.

When a record contains information about more than one student, the student may inspect and review only the record(s) which relate to him/her.

Right of San Juan College to Refuse Access

San Juan College reserves the right to refuse to permit a student to inspect the following records:

  • The financial statement of the student’s parents.
  • Letters and statements of recommendation for which the student has waived his/her right of access.
  • Records connected with an application to attend San Juan College or a selective department if that application was denied.
  • Those records that are excluded from the FERPA definition of education records.

Refusal to Provide Copies

San Juan College will provide unofficial copies of the student’s San Juan College academic transcript (free of charge) upon confirmation of the student’s identity or via a written statement requesting such. This “unofficial” transcript must be picked up by the student and/or their authorized representative with proof of identity or authorization, or mailed to the requested address on the written request.

San Juan College reserves the right to deny transcripts or copies of records not required to be made available by FERPA in any of the following situations:

  • The student has an unpaid financial obligation to San Juan College.
  • There is an unresolved disciplinary action against the student.

Fees for Copies of Records

Unofficial copies of the student’s San Juan College academic record are provided free of charge and must be picked up in the Registration & Records Office.  Copies of other records will be provided upon request: however, a copy fee will be charged.  Copies of high school and transfer college transcripts are not released and must be obtained from the original institution.  Transcript copies are made available for SJC advising purposes only.  The fee for copies is $.25 per page.

Disclosure of Education Records

San Juan College will disclose information from a student’s education records only with the written consent of the student, except:

  1. To San Juan College officials who have a legitimate educational interest in the records.  The term “official” means:
    1. A person employed by San Juan College in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, support staff position or Student Aid/Work study position.
    2. A person elected to the San Juan College Board of Trustees.
    3. A person employed by or under contract to San Juan College to perform a special task, such as an attorney or auditor.
    4. A person associated with a San Juan College Advisory Committee’s.
  2. To college members involved in the Collaboration for Higher Education Shared Services (CHESS) Student Information System (SIS) project during the preparation and implementation phases of this project. This includes individuals employed by the CHESS organization and member institutions (collectively referred to as ‘CHESS entity’): Central New Mexico Community College, Santa Fe Community College, Clovis Community College, San Juan Community College, Luna Community College and Northern New Mexico College. This “school official” designation shall terminate on the date the Colleges “go live” with Workday’s Student Information System.
  3. A San Juan College official or CHESS entity has a legitimate educational interest if the official is:
    1. Performing a task that is specified in his/her position description or by a contract agreement.
    2. Performing a task related to a student’s education.
    3. Performing a task related to the discipline of a student.
    4. Providing a service or benefit relating to a student or student’s family, such as health care, counseling, job placement, or financial aid.
  4. To certain officials of the U.S. Department of Education, the Comptroller General, and state and local educational authorities, in connection with certain state or federally supported education programs.
  5. In connection with a student’s request for or receipt of financial aid as necessary to:  determine the eligibility, amount, or conditions of the financial aid, or to enforce the terms and conditions of the aid.
  6. When required by a state law requiring disclosure that was adopted before November 19, 1974.
  7. To organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of San Juan College.
  8. To accrediting organizations to carry out their functions.
  9. To comply with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena.
  10. To appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency, including law enforcement.
  11. Directory information so designated by San Juan College.
  12. The results of any disciplinary proceedings conducted by San Juan College against an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence to the alleged victim of that crime. An institution may disclose to anyone - not just the victim - the final results of a disciplinary proceeding, if it determines that the student is an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense, and with respect to the allegation made against him or her, the student has committed a violation of the institution’s rules or policies.

Disclosure to Parents

When a student turns 18 years old or enters a post-secondary institution at any age, all rights afforded to parents under FERPA transfers to the student.  However, FERPA also provides ways in which schools may share information with parents without the student’s consent.  For example, schools may share educational record information if:

  • The student is a dependent for income tax purposes (provided documentation is provided to the college official);
  • A health or safety emergency involves their son or daughter;
  • The student, who is under age 21, has violated any law or its policy concerning the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance.

Record of Requests for Disclosure

San Juan College will maintain a record of all requests for and/or disclosure of information from a student’s education records.  The record will indicate the name of the party making the request, any additional party to whom it may be disclosed, and the legitimate interest the party had in requesting or obtaining the information.  This record may be reviewed by the eligible student and/or the eligible parent of a dependent student.  The release of any student records to a third party will only be honored if accompanied by the official San Juan College release.

Releasing Information on Deceased Students

The education records of deceased students may be released or disclosed, at the time of death, upon written request, to a spouse, a parent, the executor of the estate, the eldest surviving child, the eldest surviving sibling, and surviving descendent, or pursuant to a court order or subpoena.  Only the registrar may release the academic records of deceased students.

The petitioner must also provide the following personal information within their written request:

  • Student’s name (and maiden name, if applicable)
  • Student’s Social Security number
  • Student’s date of birth
  • The dates that the deceased student attended San Juan College
  • Copy of Death Certificate (a photocopy is acceptable)

The petitioner must also provide the following personal information within their written request:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Evidence that he/she is qualified to receive the records, based on the above criteria or, in the absence of evidence, a statement certifying same
  • Signature
  • Date of request

First Year Seminar - FYEX-1110 - Requirement

  1. FYEX-1110 is required of all students enrolling in a certificate or degree program of more than 30 credits.  
  2. Students who place into a Developmental Education course in Math, English, or Reading will be required to take FYEX-1110, First-Year Seminar, in their first semester.
    1. Students must complete the FYEX-1110 course with a grade of ‘C’ or higher to meet the requirement. 
  3. Students enrolling in a program which includes FYEX-1110, the First Year Seminar course, as a program requirement should take the course within their first 12 credits.
  4. Students enrolling in the college who have already successfully completed 24 credits with a minimum of a 2.0 GPA are exempt from the FYEX-1110 requirement. 
  5. Transfer students enrolling in the College who have a conferred Associate (or higher) degree are exempt from the FYEX-1110 requirement.


Grade Options

Three options are available for students to select at the time of course registration.  These options include letter grades (A, B, C, D, F), satisfactory/unsatisfactory, and audit.  All grades will be posted by faculty within one week of the class completion.

Grade option changes can be made up until the course’s census day.  Census day is determined by the course start date and course length.  For more information, please see the Schedule of Classes.  It is the students’ responsibility to make their wishes known to a records staff member when they complete their course enrollment card for data entry.  The audit option can be made using the Web or in person.  The S/U and Audit options are described below, as well as Incomplete grade policies.

Letter Grading System

A - For excellent work. 4 points per credit hour
B - For better than average work. 3 points per credit hour
C - For average work. 2 points per credit hour
D - For below average work. 1 point per credit hour
F - For failing work, 0 points per credit hour
X - For failing work due to lack of attendance/participation. 0 points
W - For official student withdrawal. 0 points
S - For satisfactory work under S/U option. Equivalent to a C or higher grade. 0 points
U - For unsatisfactory work under S/U option. Equivalent to a D or F grade. 0 points
I - For incomplete work. 0 points
AW - Administrative withdrawal. 0 points
AU - Audit option. 0 points
RR - Re-register in the course. Developmental classes only. 0 points
CR - Credit authorized, but no letter grade assigned. 0 points
CE - Credit by examination. 0 points
NC - No credit earned. 0 points
NR - Grade not reported. 0 points

In computing the overall grade point average, the total credits in which grades of A, B, C, D, F or X have been assigned is divided into the total number of grade points earned.  Courses for which only credit, but no letter grade, is given may be counted toward graduation but are not computed in the grade point average within set limits for such classes.

The student may appeal the final grade through the grade appeal process.  The student has 15 business days from the last day of the term to file his/her decision to appeal the grade and pick up the application form. (Note: Business days are Monday-Friday.)

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory: S/U

Any student may choose to take any course under the S/U option.  No more than 9 semester credits may be completed under the S/U option for application toward a degree or certificate at San Juan College.  ‘S’ grades will only be awarded when the student has completed coursework that would earn a ‘C’ grade or higher.  NOTE: S/U grades awarded during the Spring 2020 term are exempt from this policy.

Audit: AU

Students planning to audit a class may register for that class on a space-available basis.  The regular tuition and fees are charged.  Audited courses are recorded on permanent academic records but carry no credit and are not counted when determining maximum course loads.  You may register for audit via the Web or in person.

A student may not change from credit to audit after the census date for the course.  Courses taken for audit credit are not eligible for financial aid and do not count toward degree requirements.

Incomplete Grade Assignment

The grade of ‘I’ (Incomplete) may be given to a student who is passing the course, but who cannot complete the course due to circumstances beyond the student’s control. A significant amount of work must have been completed by the student prior to assigning the grade of Incomplete. Ordinarily, the assignment of an ‘I’ is given by the course instructor at the time final grades are due.

In no case is an ‘I’ grade to be used to avoid assigning a grade of ‘D’ or ‘F’ or for marginal or failing work. Circumstances warranting the issuance of an ‘I’ grade and work required to complete the course must be documented on the appropriate form prior to approval.

Removal of the ‘I’ grade:

  1. A grade of ‘I’ may be removed within the next semester or a shorter time limit set by the instructor.
  2. A grade of ‘I’ is removed by completing the missing work in a manner acceptable to the instructor.
  3. An ‘I’ not made up within the time limit set by the instructor will change to a grade of ‘F’ and cannot be changed by work completion.
  4. Students do not re-enroll for the course while they have an active “Incomplete” for that course.
  5. An extension of an Incomplete deadline must be approved by the School Dean.
Semester of Initial Enrollment with “Incomplete” Instructor Deadline - No Later than the Last Date of Instruction in
Fall Semester Spring Semester
Spring Semester Summer Semester
Summer Semester Fall Semester

RR Grade

The RR grade applies only to developmental courses.  The RR grade signifies that the student completed the course and was making good progress.  However, the student did not demonstrate sufficient progress to pass the course or to show readiness for success in the next course in the sequence.

X Grade

The ‘X’ grade is essentially equivalent to an ‘F’. It has the same effect on GPA, academic suspension, probation, etc. as the ‘F’.

The ‘X’ is used to indicate that the student failed the course for not meeting class attendance/participation requirements as outlined in the course guide.  When a student is issued an ‘X’ grade, the instructor also records the last date of attendance/participation.  San Juan College uses the ‘X’ grade to accurately analyze student success rates.

Prerequisite Grade Requirement

Prerequisites must be completed with a minimum grade of ‘C’ in order to continue in the subsequent course.

Grade Appeal Policy

The college is committed to a fair, equitable, and comprehensible grading system.  Faculty will provide students with a syllabus for each course that clearly delineates the learning outcomes of the course.  Faculty will also provide a course guide that provides an explanation of the course requirements, the grading system, a topical outline, important dates, and other policies that govern the course. Any changes in course requirements must be documented.

The College will provide the opportunity for students to appeal final course grades.  Appeal hearings will only be granted when the student’s grade appeal application and letter provide evidence that the student’s grade was not assigned in accordance with the grading policies outlined in the syllabus or if he/she can demonstrate that the grade was not assigned in a fair manner.  Students are required to follow the procedures outlined below.  Arrangements will be made for online students to take part in the process through email, phone calls, and conference calls as needed

Grade Appeal Process

Prior to filing a grade appeal, all students are required to meet informally with the course instructor to discuss the grade.  This initial discussion could lead to corrections of a grade that was miscalculated or entered incorrectly.  The course instructor and student can often resolve the issue through this first informal meeting.  If the student is not satisfied with the resolution at this point, the student is required to meet with the appropriate dean to address his/her concerns.  After both of these meetings, if the student is still interested in pursuing an appeal, the student must complete the Formal Application for Grade Appeal.  This form is available in the Office of the Vice President for Learning.

Formal Grade Appeal Procedures:

Step 1:  The student requests the Formal Application for Grade Appeal from the Office for Learning.  The Office for Learning will register the intent to appeal and log in the date.  The student has 15 business days from the last day of the term to file his/her decision to appeal the grade and pick up the application form. (Note: Business days are Monday-Friday.)

Step 2:  After picking up the Formal Application for Grade Appeal, the student then has 5 days to present the application, the relevant documents, and the written letter explaining the basis for the appeal to the course instructor.  This should involve a face-to-face meeting with the course instructor.  This meeting will result in either a denial of the appeal or a resolution. If a face-to-face meeting is not possible, the student should communicate with the course instructor by phone or email.  The course instructor then has 5 days to make a determination, complete step 2 of the application, and return the application to the student in case of denial.  If the course instructor is not available to review the application, the department chair or dean can represent the course instructor.  If the appeal is granted or resolved, the course instructor will complete the form and return it to the Office for Learning to document the case.

Failure to provide the list of required application documents for a grade appeal by any of the listed deadlines will result in the appeal being closed. No further appeal will be allowed for this course.

Step 3:  If the grade appeal is denied, the student has 5 days to appeal the decision of the course instructor by presenting the Formal Grade Appeal Application to the dean of the school in which the course was offered.  When possible there should be a face-to-face meeting between the dean and the student.  The dean has 5 days from receipt of the Formal Grade Appeal Application to make a determination, complete Step 3 of the application, and return the application to the student in the case of denial.  If the appeal is granted or resolved, the dean will complete the form and return it to the Office for Learning.

Step 4:  If the grade appeal is denied by the dean, the student then has 5 days from receipt of the dean’s denial to appeal that decision by presenting the completed application to the Office for Learning. The Chair of the Grade Appeals Committee will notify the student within 15 days from the receipt of the application about the date and time of the appeal hearing.  The Chair will contact the student and instructor to ensure that they provide the appropriate documents to support their positions prior to the scheduled hearing.

The Committee will conduct a review of the grade through a hearing during which both the student and instructor may present their respective positions and respond to questions separately (or together if either party requests that opportunity).  The hearing will be scheduled for a certain date and if either the student or instructor cannot be present, the committee will proceed with the review.  The committee will only consider documents that have been provided by the student or course instructor prior to the scheduled hearing.  A second hearing may be called if warranted, at the Chair’s discretion, and subject to the Vice President for Learning’s approval.  Through a simple majority vote, a decision is reached by the committee, and that recommendation is given to the Vice President for Learning.

The Vice President for Learning will make the final determination of the appeal within 5 days of receipt of the recommendation from the Grade Appeals Committee.  The Office for Learning will notify the student, the course instructor, and the dean about the final grade appeal determination.

Grade Appeals Committee

The Grade Appeals Committee is appointed by the Vice President for Learning.  The committee will include:

  1. A faculty chair (not from the same department as the instructor involved in the appeal)
  2. A faculty co-chair
  3. One faculty member
  4. One member from Student Services
  5. One student
  6. One alternate that can serve in the place of any of the above members

Prior to convening the hearing, it is the role of the chair to request relevant documentation from both the course instructor and student.  At a minimum, those documents will include the course syllabus and the student’s letter of appeal.  For an online course, the chair may also request access to the course management system.  The course instructor and the student will be given the same materials for reference during the hearing.  Appropriate SJC personnel may be asked to speak before the committee.

During the hearing, both student and instructor will have the opportunity to present their cases and respond to questions.  The committee will base its recommendation on the testimonies and the documents provided.  No further investigation beyond the hearing will occur.


Graduation - Eligibility to Apply for Graduation

Students applying for graduation are expected to be registered for the final courses needed for graduation.  For the February deadline, Spring Graduation Ceremony, Summer graduates must be within 8 degree requirement credits to be eligible to apply.  Students who do not complete the requirements during the Summer must reapply for graduation for a future term.

Graduation Residency Requirement

A transfer student obtaining an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or Associate of Applied Science degree must complete a minimum of 15 credit hours at San Juan College with a grade of ‘C’ or above prior to the granting of a degree.  A minimum of 12 of the last 15 credits must be selected from courses offered within the department or major granting the degree.  For students who are transferring into the last semester of the nursing program from a New Mexico institution utilizing the NMNEC curriculum, the requirement is a minimum of 10 credits. 

A student who wishes to secure a certificate must earn at least 25% of the credits required for the certificate at San Juan College.    

Application for Degree or Certificate

Degree or certificate candidates are required to file an application for each degree or certificate sought.  Applications may be submitted online via Self-Service. Please visit Graduating from San Juan College for more information.   

Forms must be submitted by these dates:

  • FA - Fall Semester: October 1
  • SP - Spring Semester: February 15
  • SS - Summer Session: June 15

If the deadline for filing falls on the weekend, students will have until 4 p.m. the following business day to submit their graduation application.  If students apply for summer graduation prior to the spring application deadline, their names will appear in the program and publication for spring graduation and they may participate in graduation ceremonies as summer candidates.  If students apply for summer graduation after the spring application deadline, their names will not appear in the spring graduation program until the following year.

Graduates’ diplomas will be printed and mailed approximately one month after the end of the session.  When the application is received, an evaluation will be completed by the Registration & Records Office.  If it is uncertain as to whether the student has met the degree/certificate requirements, the registrar and academic dean will make the final determination.  Only documentation on file in the student’s record folder and current registration records will be used in this evaluation.  It is the student’s responsibility to make sure all previous college transcripts have been received and evaluated, substitution/waivers have been received, and the correct major is on file in the Registration & Records Office.  The student will be notified in writing of the outcome of this evaluation.  Students are encouraged to apply for graduation one semester prior to the semester in which they expect to graduate.

Students participating in the graduation ceremony must purchase a cap and gown at the San Juan College Bookstore, and the deadline for purchase is set by the bookstore.

Issuance of Degree or Certificate

Certification of final approval for a degree or certificate will be placed on the student’s official record at the end of the semester when all requirements have been completed and final grades certified.

Degree and certificate documents are mailed to students approximately one month after the semester concludes when all final grades are certified and all financial records are cleared.

A student must have a cumulative grade point average of ‘C’ or above for all course work completed at San Juan College, must have a minimum grade point average of 2.0 for all courses counted toward the degree or certificate, and must meet all minimum course grade requirements as set forth in this catalog for the specific degree or certificate sought.  At the time of graduation, all grades are frozen; consequently, a student cannot graduate with pending grades of I or NR on their transcript.

Students who apply to receive a degree or certificate for any major area of study must earn a grade of ‘C’ or higher in each core departmental course counted towards the degree or certificate.

Special Topics credits may be applied only as electives in fulfilling the requirements for an associate degree unless approved by the appropriate dean to substitute for another requirement.

Most four-year colleges and universities will not accept vocational credits as transfer credits for their degree programs.  For this reason, vocational credits are not counted toward degree requirements in Associates of Arts or Associate of Science programs.

Attendance at Commencement

The registrar certifies eligibility to participate in commencement exercises held at the close of the spring semester.  Eligible candidates for the spring semester or summer session as well as degree or certificate recipients from the previous fall semester may participate in the ceremony.

Summer graduates who apply by the deadline to participate in the Spring ceremony must be within 8 credits of graduation requirement completion. 

Additional Degrees and Certificates

A student who wishes to secure an additional degree (A.A., A.A.S., or A.S.) must complete a minimum of 15 additional credits at San Juan College as required in the program of study for the additional degree.  Of the 15 credits, 12 credits must be in the school/division area of study.  The student is required to complete all of the requirements for the additional degree including general education requirements and specific requirements for the degree selected.  

The additional credits required for the additional certificate/degree may be completed concurrently with those credits applying to another certificate/degree.  Awards may be granted simultaneously or sequentially provided all requirements have been completed.

Advanced Certificate programs require completion of the associated foundational associate degree or certificate.

Any exceptions must be approved by the Vice President for Learning.


The Honors Program at San Juan College is the umbrella for a variety of programs and activities intended to:  (1) enhance and invigorate learning at San Juan College; (2) promote critical thinking and higher level learning among students and others who are prepared for and seeking those challenges; (3) provide learning opportunities in cross-disciplinary and innovative, creative environments beyond the traditional curriculum; (4) encourage and provide opportunities for intensive instructor-student partnerships in scholarship and learning; and (5) forge new and innovative venues of learning and teaching as forums for research and scholarship.

San Juan College offers honors courses in four basic formats:

  • Embedded Honors Courses: Core courses regularly offered with both honors and non-honors students enrolled.  Honors students do more in-depth investigations of topics and are held to higher academic standards than non-honors students.
  • Honors Core Courses: General education courses with only honors students.  Students address a wider range of issues and consider topics in greater depth.
  • Special Honors Topics Courses: Offered periodically, these classes provide opportunities to study a variety of topics.  Courses may be team-taught, interdisciplinary, and/or conducted in a seminar environment.  Students should expect to work with primary sources, lead discussion and/or work collaboratively on projects.  These courses may fulfill elective credits toward graduation.
    Students will be able to pursue an Honors Service Learning designation and/or take classes where the Honors section involves Service Learning.  Service Learning encourages students to be involved in the community through service in a way that complements and supplements academic classroom studies.

The format for Honors Service Learning (HSL) will follow that of the general Honors Program: Students who take 12 hours of Honors classes that have a Service Learning component will be eligible for an Honors Service Learning Designation at graduation and be eligible to graduate as Distinguished Scholars of HSL.  Students will also be eligible for scholarships throughout their time at San Juan College. Eligibility and recognition is determined by effort in applying service to course content along with course grades.

Honors courses are offered each semester and are available to all students.  Honors sections of core courses may be substituted for regular sections.  Honors special topics courses or seminars will fulfill elective credits toward graduation and may be repeated one or more times for additional credit.  The 298 course number has been set aside in the course bank for all programs in all schools to be used exclusively for honors special topics and seminar courses, with variable credit (1-6 credits) to accommodate the differing needs of different programs.

Semester Honors

President’s Honor Roll

Completed 12 or more credits with a semester grade point average of 3.8 or above.

Vice President’s Honor Roll

Completed 12 or more credits with a semester grade point average of 3.5. to 3.79.

Graduation Honors

Students who complete twelve (12) hours of honors courses with a 3.25 GPA or higher in those courses and no grade lower than a B (3.0) in an honors course, and who have an overall 3.25 GPA earn the honor of San Juan College Distinguished Scholar.  These students are recognized at graduation and their status as San Juan College Distinguished Scholars is recorded on their official transcript.  For more details regarding the Honors Program, see the Admissions - Getting Started  section of the catalog.

Presidential Honors

Graduates who have completed a minimum of 15 San Juan College credits with a cumulative 3.80 grade point average or above.

Vice Presidential Honors

Graduates who have completed a minimum of 15 San Juan College credits with a cumulative 3.50 to 3.79 grade point average.  Diplomas list only one honor and will be posted in the following order: Distinguished Scholar, Presidential Honors, Vice Presidential Honors.

Official San Juan College Records

Any attempt to change, alter, or otherwise fabricate official San Juan College records may result in legal action by the College as described in New Mexico statutes: Chapter 30; Article 16, Article 25, and Article 26.

Reactivation of Student Status

Students who have not attended San Juan College for three regular semesters in one year must complete an Admission Application to update their information and be eligible to register for classes.  If the student has attended any other institution since attending San Juan College, final college transcripts must be sent directly from the other institutions to the San Juan College Registration & Records Office.  A student who is under current suspension ruling from San Juan College cannot be readmitted until the suspension requirements have expired and the student has met with an advisor in the Advising and Counseling Center.

A provisional student who meets requirements for regular admission may request to be changed to regular degree-seeking status.  The requirements that must be met for a change of status from provisional to regular can be found in the Admissions - Getting Started  section of the catalog, under the subheading of Non-Degree Student Admission.

Registration Information

Undergraduate students may register by clicking on the “Student Registration” tab under Self-Service on the MySJC Portal. 

High school students who are enrolled at San Juan College as Dual Credit or Early Admit students cannot register for class through Self-Service. They must be advised and registered for class through their high school academic counselor or through a college academic advisor. Please refer to the “Next Steps for High School Students” web page and the Advising web page for more information.

Next Steps for High School Students: 


Class Formats at San Juan College

In-Person Classes

The majority of SJC classes will be offered in an in-person format while ensuring COVID safe practices. In the course search, in-person classes will list campus locations, dates, and times.

Online Classes

There are two types of online courses: Traditional Online and Live Online.

Traditional Online

Most online courses will be offered as Traditional Online classes. These classes do not have a set meeting time but are carefully designed to help students master the course objectives. Instructors will guide students via pre-recorded lectures and online discussions. They will also be available to students for assistance and feedback and hold virtual office hours.

In the course search, Traditional Online classes will be listed as Online with no specific class times.

Live Online

Some online courses will be offered as Live Online courses. These classes meet online at designated times, and the instructor will be present. The course will run like an in-person course but the students and teacher will be in separate locations.

In the course search, Live Online will list times, dates, and Live Online.

Hybrid Classes

In hybrid classes, students will meet in person on campus at scheduled times and work online to complete other work and assignments. These courses will balance the needs of students with the requirement of some classes where in-person instruction is important.

In the course search, Hybrid Classes will list times, dates, campus locations, and Face to Face/Web Combo.

Hyflex (Student Select)

A HyFlex (Student Select) course provides content delivered in the Classroom and Simulcast via Zoom through Canvas via the Internet. Courses can be attended On-Campus or Live Online to fit the daily schedule of the student.

Class Schedules

Detailed registration procedures are described online at  Students are responsible for becoming familiar with all dates, deadlines, and procedures related to registration.  Class schedules are searchable online via Self-Service on the MySJC Portal.

Identification Cards

Each student is issued a student identification card during the first registration at San Juan College, which is kept during the student’s entire attendance here.  A $10 fee is required if a student identification card needs to be replaced for any reason.  ID cards can be obtained in the Educational Services Center (first floor) and the Health and Human Performance Center.

ID cards entitle the students to a variety of College services and privileges including library book checkouts, check cashing, make-up testing service, and numerous other benefits both on campus and in the community.  Students may be asked to present appropriate credentials (ID card) to properly identified San Juan College personnel who are in the performance of their duties.

Registration Classification

San Juan College offers equal access to courses for all students who have met the prerequisites, subject to enrollment limits and deadlines.  The registration process at San Juan College has been designed to give priority to continuing students.

Continuing Student Registration

Registration during this period is restricted to continuing students in good standing who have met admission requirements.  Priority will be given to regular-admission degree-seeking students.

Schedule Changes

Students are responsible for dropping any courses they do not plan to attend, prior to the term start date. Not attending a course does not guarantee a drop, nor does it relieve the student of financial charges for tuition and fees. Schedule changes can be made via Self-Service for a limited period of time or at the Advising and Transfer Center.  Students requesting schedule changes in person at Advising and Transfer Center may complete the drop/add form.  Written requests via US mail, fax, or official San Juan College email will be accepted, but must include the student’s ID number, full name, term, course information, signature (if not coming from the official San Juan College email) and action being requested.  Regardless of how requests are submitted, all deadlines apply.  Phone requests will not be accepted.

As students drop and add courses to their schedule, charges and refunds are appropriately recorded.

Add Period - Full Term Courses

For the Fall and Spring terms, students may add full-term courses through the first two days of the term.  For Summer classes, the add period is shorter and depends on the course start date.  Please refer to the course syllabus and Academic Calendar for deadlines.

Drop Period - Full Term Courses

For the Fall and Spring terms, students may drop full-term courses up through census, the third Friday of the term, without a grade.  After census, full-term courses may be dropped up until the drop deadline with a grade of ‘W’.  For Summer classes, the drop period is shorter and depends on the course length and start date.  Please refer to the course syllabus and Academic Calendar.  Students who have dropped a course are not allowed to continue attending.

Withdrawing from School

A student may withdraw from all classes during a semester by completing the Student Withdrawal Form.  Total withdrawal may be completed via Self-Service up until the first day of the term.  The scheduled period for student withdrawal from school is from the date of registration to the deadline posted in the course syllabus and Academic Calendar.  If the withdraw date is past the course census day and before the deadline to withdraw from school, a ‘W’ is given as a grade for each course from which a student has withdrawn.  After the final withdrawal date has passed, students may not withdraw from school and will receive the letter grade assigned by instructors.

Online students wishing to withdraw from all classes may do so by doing one of the following:

  • Faxed letter with signature
  • Scanned emailed letter with signature
  • Email directly from the student’s official San Juan College email account
  • Mailed letter with signature (must be received in the Advising and Transfer Center by the deadline)

The communication must include the student’s ID number, full name, term, course information and action being requested.

Refunds for students who completely withdraw from classes will be determined by the refund policy posted in the course schedule.

Students who are Active Military and are called to duty during a term need to contact the Registrar’s Office for accommodations.

Administrative Withdrawal Policy

Whenever possible, the San Juan College student will be responsible to withdraw from classes within the official timelines designated for student withdrawal. The administrative withdrawal is a procedure that allows a student to withdraw from a class after the published last day to drop classes.  The proper use of this procedure is outlined below.

Students may request an Administrative Withdrawal (AW) by emailing the Registration and Records Services Office at  The Registrar will review the request and documentation and approve or disapprove the request.  The deadline to submit a request is the end of the current semester.

The process may also be initiated by the Instructor, the Coordinator of Disability Services, a San Juan College Administrator, Registrar, Dean, or Vice President when it is determined it is in the best interest of the student and/or the San Juan College community that a student be withdrawn.

The administrative withdrawal may include, but will not be limited to, circumstances such as:

  • Mental and/or emotional crisis;
  • Medical and/or family emergency;
  • Incarceration;
  • Other unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances which prevent the student from attending or participating in the class; or
  • When it is determined that withdrawal is appropriate, as part of a reasonable accommodation pursuant to the College’s Disability Services Protocol, Policies and Procedures.

Any student who is denied administrative withdrawal may appeal this decision to the Vice President for Learning.  The Vice President of Student Services can initiate an administrative withdrawal pertaining to student rules of conduct violations.

Course Cancellations

San Juan College reserves the right to cancel courses should they not meet minimum enrollment standards set by the institution.

Short Courses

Short courses each have their own census date.  For courses starting after San Juan College’s census day, registration may take place up until the day the course starts.  Students enrolling in short courses must make full payment at the time of registration.  A student who enrolls in a short course and then wishes to withdraw may be eligible for a refund (see course schedule for the full refund policy).

Repeat of a Course for Grade Substitution

A student may repeat a previously taken San Juan College course for the purpose of grade substitution, except for courses designated as repeatable for additional credit, such as certain music courses.  A grade of A, B, C, D, F, or X must have been earned previously in the course, and a grade of A, B, C, D, F, or X must be earned in the repeated course.

The highest grade earned in a repeated course automatically is included in the grade point average (GPA) calculations.  The highest grade (A, B, C, D, F, X) is used to compute credit and GPA.  All grades remain on the transcript, but the lower grade is removed from the GPA calculation.  NOTE: It is not necessary for a student who has received an Incomplete (I) to register to repeat a course.  Work should be completed as directed by the course instructor, without re-registering in the course.

Repeated courses may not be eligible for financial aid.  Financial aid eligibility will be extended for one repeat of a previously taken course.  Financial aid eligibility will be reviewed if the course is required as part of the degree requirements.  Please review program requirements.  Regardless of the grade earned or number of allowable repeats, ALL attempts will apply toward financial aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) totals.

Repeatable Courses

San Juan College offers a limited number of courses that are repeatable for additional credit.  A repeatable course is defined as any course that can be taken one or more times for additional credit without prior grade substitution.  Check course description to determine if a course is repeatable for additional credit.

Residency Status For Tuition Purposes

Student residency status is determined from information provided on the Application for Admission or Student Information Update Form using a uniform definition established for all New Mexico institutions by the New Mexico Higher Education Department, and administered by the registrar of San Juan College.  Requests for a change in residency classification should be completed before the first day of classes for that term.  Additional information is available in the Registration & Records Office.

Residency determination procedures apply only to U.S. citizens or students on an immigration-type visa.  Only a U.S. citizen or permanent visa student can establish New Mexico residency.  Non-citizen students will be charged non-resident tuition.

Residency Appeals Procedure

An applicant who elects to appeal a decision denying in-state tuition status should present the initial appeal in writing to the registrar for review.  If the appeal is granted, no further action is required.  If the appeal is denied, the applicant may request that the appeal be referred to the Appeals Board for review.

Residency Classification Appeals Board

The Residency Classification Appeals Board is a standing committee to comply with Regulation 910 of the New Mexico Higher Education Department.  The Appeals Board will function to handle appeals from students denied by the registrar after a review of the proper petition form.  The Appeals Board is comprised as follows:

  1. Associate Vice President for Learning
  2. Senior Director of Financial Aid
  3. Business Office Controller

Residency Hearing Procedure

The Associate Vice President for Learning will call a meeting of the Appeals Board.  If the student wishes, a personal interview with the Residency Classification Appeals Board can be arranged.

Residency Appeal Decision

The board will review all applicable materials and governing statutes.  The decision of the board becomes final upon majority vote.

Deadlines for Requests

Requests for a change in residency classification should be completed before the first day of classes for that term.  All requests, complete with documentation, must be received according to the following deadline schedule.

Semester Deadline
Fall semester Third Friday of the semester
Spring semester Third Friday of the semester
Summer semester Second Friday of the semester

The deadline to appeal residency classification is the Fourth Friday of the semester at 5:00 pm.

Failure to submit the required paperwork by the deadline dates will result in the student being classified as an out-of-state student for that semester.  Change of residency status is not retroactive.

Special Residency Status

Navajo students who are tribal members and maintain a permanent residence on a reservation bordering New Mexico may apply for a waiver of non-resident tuition and, if approved, be admitted under resident tuition status.

Native American students who are members of designated tribes shall continue to be considered a non-resident for reporting purposes but will receive the benefit of the in-state tuition rates.  In receiving such a waiver, the student does not become eligible for state funded student financial aid, unless the regulations for a particular aid program allow for such eligibility.

Designated tribes and pueblos, located wholly or partially in New Mexico include the following:  Navajo Nation, Jicarilla Apache, Mescalero Apache, Taos pueblo, Picuris pueblo, Ohkay Owingeh, Santa Clara pueblo, Nambe pueblo, San Ildefonso pueblo, Pojoaque pueblo, Tesuque pueblo, Cochiti pueblo, Jemez pueblo, Santo Domingo pueblo, San Felipe pueblo, Zia pueblo, Santa Ana pueblo, Sandia pueblo, Isleta pueblo, Laguna pueblo, Acoma pueblo, Zuni pueblo, and the Ute Mountain tribe.

Colorado residents residing in counties that border New Mexico (Montezuma, Archuleta, LaPlata, Dolores, and San Juan counties) may apply for the Colorado-New Mexico reciprocal tuition exchange program.  The selected Colorado residents attending San Juan College must be residents of Colorado; must be enrolled in, or have applied to, a program of study that leads to a certificate, associate’s, baccalaureate, or graduate degree program; and must meet other criteria established by the HED and the CCHE.

Senior citizens (65 or over) may request a reduced tuition waiver for the first 6 credit hours per semester.

The spouse or dependents of persons who have moved to New Mexico and who can provide documentation of permanent full-time employment may be eligible for a waiver of the 12-month durational requirement. Other conditions must be satisfied.  See the registrar for additional information.

Any person, his or her spouse or dependent child, not otherwise entitled to claim residence, who is a member of the armed forces of the United States or armed forces of a foreign country assigned to active duty in the state of New Mexico will be assessed in-state tuition rates.

Active duty New Mexico National Guard members shall be deemed an in-state resident for purposes of determining tuition.

The student is responsible for contacting the Registration & Records Office and completing all required paperwork for consideration of in-state tuition under one of the “special residency conditions” described above.

Students who meet New Mexico Senate Bill 582 requirements will be granted in-state tuition.

San Juan College Transcripts

Official and unofficial transcripts are issued from the Registration & Records Office.  Official transcripts ordered electronically are $5; in person orders are $10.  There is no charge for unofficial transcripts.  If financial obligations to San Juan College are not satisfied, or if an Admissions hold exists, transcripts will be withheld.  Official transcripts including the most current semester’s work are available approximately seven days after the issue of final grades for the semester.  Unofficial transcripts may be requested for student pickup the next day.  No transcripts are issued during registration, final grade processing, or census processing periods.  For further information, contact the Registration & Records Office.

Sexual Harassment Policy

It is the policy of San Juan College that no student, employee, or job applicant be discriminated against on the basis of sex.  This means that the College will not tolerate sexual harassment by any of its students or employees.  Offenders will be disciplined appropriately.  Please see the Student Handbook for policy.

Student Conduct

College is preparation for professional opportunities, and professional conduct is expected in courses, including online classes, as well as any written communications and interactions with members of the college community.  As part of our learning community, students are expected to interact and communicate in a mature, respectful, thoughtful, and supportive manner.  Students who demonstrate disrespectful, hostile, belittling, bullying, or other disruptive behavior will be subject to potential consequences and possible dismissal from the college.  The college will take appropriate action when a student demonstrates threatening behavior (to others or self).  Students will follow all policies regarding conduct and behavior as indicated in the Student Handbook, including “Student Conduct Rules”; “San Juan College Student E-Mail”; “Student Non-Discrimination Policy and Sexual Harassment Statement”; and the “Drug and Alcohol Policy and Information.”

Transfer Credit Appeal Process

An applicant who wishes to appeal the transfer evaluation should follow the steps outlined below.

  • Complete the electronic Transfer Credit Appeal Form.  A course description or other documentation about the content of the course being appealed should be attached.  Within 30 days of the submitted appeal, the request will be reviewed and the student will be contacted via email about the decision.
  • If the student request is denied, and the student wishes to continue the appeal, the student must indicate this in writing to the Registrar.  The second appeal must be done within 30 days from the date of the first appeal decision email.
  • Within 30 days or less (when possible), the Registrar will convene the Transfer Appeal Board (TAB).  The TAB will review all applicable materials and governing statutes and make a decision.  If the student wishes, a personal interview with the Transfer Appeal Board can be arranged, although it is not necessary.  The decision of the board becomes final upon majority vote.
  • The Transfer Appeal Board consists of: Registrar, Vice President of Learning, and the appropriate Academic Dean.

Transfer of Credits to San Juan College

Submitting your transcripts

Transfer applicants must submit official copies of all college transcripts to Registration and Records Office office as part of the application process.  Please contact all institutions you have attended, to request your official transcript(s) be sent directly to Registration and Records Office.  Be sure to send your most current school’s official transcripts as well.  We cannot accept faxed transcripts - they must be sent from the college directly to the Registration & Records Office.  See the Admissions - Getting Started section of the catalog for admission details.

Transfer students who are attempting to register without official transcript evaluations can visit briefly with an advisor to discuss their plans.  Until official transcripts are evaluated, discussion time with an advisor will be limited and unofficial.  Official transcripts received are evaluated and transfer credits are posted as credits to the student’s official San Juan College Transcript.  Transfer grades are not posted nor used to calculate the cumulative GPA.

College level courses completed at a regional or DETC accredited institution must have grades of ‘C’ or better to be considered for transfer.  Courses taken at quarter credit institutions will be converted to semester credits.  Courses are transferred when credit hours and course content match courses being offered by San Juan College.  In some instances, elective credit may be granted.  No special topics courses will be accepted for transfer.

New Mexico Public Institutions and Fort Lewis College

Transferring course credits from New Mexico public institutions and Fort Lewis College:

  • New Mexico’s colleges and universities and Fort Lewis College have worked together to assist students who plan to transfer; however, planning for transfer of course credits is the student’s responsibility.  Responsible transfer planning includes early and regular consultation with the intended degree-granting institution to assure that all pre-transfer coursework will meet the requirements of the desired degree.
  • New Mexico Common Core Courses guaranteed to transfer to any New Mexico public college or university and apply toward associate and baccalaureate degree program requirements are listed on page 26 in the San Juan College Academic Catalog.

Out of State/Private Institutions

  • San Juan College requires students to submit for evaluation official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions they have attended to Registration and Records Office.
  • College-level courses completed outside New Mexico or at private institutions in New Mexico must be regionally or DETC accredited and have grades of ‘C’ or better to be considered for transfer credit.

Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science Transfer

Students who transfer to San Juan College with a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree from a regionally accredited college or university will automatically have their General Education requirements waived.  Some programs have specific course requirements listed under General Education.  Specific course requirements must be met when required for the program.

Transfer of Occupational/Vocational Non-Credit Experience

Credit earned at technical institutions for non-technical subjects may be submitted for evaluation.  Institutions must be accredited by a regional collegiate accrediting association.  Generally, no credit is accepted by the College from technical institutes, business schools, or other post-high school institutes which are not members of regional collegiate accrediting associations.  Students applying to the College who have earned technical credit, which they believe would be applicable to the degree they are pursuing, may have an official transcript sent from the school directly to San Juan College, Registration & Records Office.  It will then be the student’s responsibility to request referral of this transcript by Registration and Records Office to the school of the College having supervision of his/her particular program. The school will determine whether any of the credit is acceptable in its program and return the transcript with its recommendations to Registration and Records Office.  An interview or demonstration of competence of such credit would be binding only to the specific program recommending credit.  It would be subject to re-evaluation should the student later enter another program offered by the College.

Transferring from San Juan College to Another State-Supported Institution in New Mexico

During the 2005 New Mexico Legislative session, Senate Bill 161, consistent with requirements of state law (Chapter 224 of the Laws of New Mexico, 1995 as amended) was signed into law to further enhance and facilitate the articulation of general education courses among New Mexico’s colleges and universities. In accordance with policies established by the New Mexico Higher Education Department, designated general education core courses successfully completed at any regionally accredited public institution of higher education in New Mexico are guaranteed to transfer to any New Mexico public institution. Students who have decided on a major and/or an institution at which to complete their studies should consult with an academic advisor at that particular institution to determine the most appropriate course selections. Students enrolling for the first year of study at a New Mexico college or university and considering possible transfer into a certificate and/or degree program at another institution are encouraged to take the courses approved for transfer during their freshman and sophomore year of study.

The core matrix of approved courses guaranteed to transfer and meet general education requirements of any New Mexico college or university can be found on the New Mexico Higher Education Department website at Click on the “Colleges and Universities” link, then “Transferring Credits” for a listing of courses by institution, under each of the five general education areas.

The course prefix and number that appear in parentheses next to many of the institutions’ internal course prefixes and numbers is the New Mexico Common Course Number. This is a four alpha/four numeric set of uniform course designations that serve as a single reference point for courses taught throughout the state that share substantially equivalent content. Courses bearing this designation are part of a statewide equivalence table that cross references the institutional course and number with the universal “common course number” creating an easy one-to-one match.

Students may find the New Mexico Common Course Number listed in crosswalks, degree outlines, transfer guides and course descriptions in college catalogs and websites. Simply put, the common course number connects equivalent courses at multiple institutions, ensuring students that the course will transfer to the receiving institution and meet degree requirements as if it were taken on that campus.

Tuition and Fees Deadlines

Students who pre-register for classes are required to pay tuition and fees in full by noon on the first date of the “Weekly Drops for Non-Payment” schedule, which can be found on the Academic Calendar.  Full payment means either 100% paid or enrolled in the NelNet (e-Cashier) Payment Plan.  Payment plan details can be found on the Business Office’s webpage. Financial aid recipients or students sponsored by authorized third parties must have financial arrangements complete prior to registration.

Refunds - Refunds of tuition and special course fees are mailed the week following the Add/Drop Period of any semester.  For additional information, visit

Online Courses - San Juan College requires all online courses to include some form of assessment to demonstrate the mastery of course objectives. This could include exams, capstone projects, e-portfolios, presentations, final papers or other appropriate assessments. The use of a proctoring platform, plagiarism detection software or other method to ensure that assessments are completed by the enrolled student is required.

A course fee of $5.00 is assessed for all online courses at San Juan College to cover the cost of the above services. Students who are required to take a proctored exam and choose to use a physical testing center outside the SJC Testing Center or SJC Disability Services will be responsible for the cost of using that center.