The Computer Science Associate of Science degree is designed for students interested in software programming and design. Within New Mexico, the courses in this Program transfer best to New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NM Tech). Some courses from this Computer Science Program may transfer as electives to computer science or computer technology programs at other higher education institutions. Those wishing to transfer to a four-year degree program in computer science or computer engineering are strongly advised to check the appropriate university catalog and to talk with a member of the university program or Registrar’s office to determine which of the SJC Computer Science Program courses will fulfill program-specific requirements at the transfer institution. Also, consider taking courses in a foreign language while at San Juan College since many university Schools of Arts and Science require a foreign language.
Prerequisite courses must be completed prior to the courses listed below (e.g., MATH-170 and MATH 180 prior to MATH 188 ). In general, however, it is suggested that students complete the New Mexico Transfer Module as outlined below.
The student should refer to the current catalog of the intended transfer degree institution to take the most appropriate laboratory science courses. This course also satisfies General Education laboratory science requirement. For information about NM Tech, go to For information about NMSU, go to
Note: The student must complete each course in the curriculum with a C or better to graduate from the program.